@Thai Restaurant

0.00 mi
0449 591 035
609-617 Old Coast Road, Falcon, WA 6210
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Here are some tips for dining at @Thai Restaurant located at 609-617 Old Coast Road, Falcon, Western Australia, 6210:

1. Make a reservation: To ensure you get a table at @Thai Restaurant, especially during peak hours, it's always a good idea to call ahead and make a reservation. This will save you from any unnecessary wait times.

2. Explore the menu: @Thai offers a wide variety of authentic Thai dishes, so take your time to explore the menu. From classic favorites like pad Thai and green curry to lesser-known specialties, there's something for everyone.

3. Try the chef's specials: If you're feeling adventurous, give the chef's specials a try. These dishes are specially curated by the chef and often highlight unique flavors or ingredients.

4. Be mindful of spice levels: Thai cuisine is known for its bold and spicy flavors. If you don't handle spice well, don't hesitate to ask your server for milder options or adjust the spice level to your preference.

5. Request dietary accommodations: If you have any dietary restrictions or preferences, inform your server. @Thai Restaurant is usually accommodating and can make adjustments to menu items to cater to your needs.

6. Enjoy the ambiance: Situated in a charming location, @Thai Restaurant offers a relaxed and welcoming ambiance. Take your time to enjoy the beautiful surroundings while savoring your meal.

Remember, these tips are based on general assumptions and you may want to consult @Thai Restaurant directly for any specific preferences or requirements you may have.