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3.61 mi
(205) 507-3038
2231 Veterans Memorl Pkwy, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404
Sorry, hours will be updated soon.


Here are some tips for Subway located at 2231 Veterans Memorial Pkwy, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 35404:

1. Opening hours: Check the opening hours of this Subway location, as they may vary from other stores. It's always a good idea to confirm their operational hours before visiting.

2. Menu options: Subway offers a variety of customizable sandwiches and salads. Experiment with different breads, toppings, and sauces to create your perfect meal.

3. Specials and promotions: Keep an eye out for any ongoing deals or promotions at this location. Subway often offers limited-time discounts or combo meals, which can help you save money.

4. Online ordering: Take advantage of Subway's online ordering system to skip the line and pick up your food quickly. This feature is especially useful during peak hours or when you're in a hurry.

5. Parking: The Tuscaloosa location has its parking area. However, on busy days, parking might be limited, so plan accordingly.

6. Hygiene and safety: Subway follows strict hygiene and cleanliness standards. If you have any concerns or questions, the staff is usually helpful in addressing them.

7. Customer service: The staff at this location is known for being friendly and attentive. If you have any specific requests or dietary restrictions, feel free to communicate with them.

Remember, these tips are based on general assumptions about Subway restaurants, but specific experiences may vary by location.