Ethiopian Fancy

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Medium-bodied coffee that is tangy and pungent with a lingering floral, almost perfumy aroma. ethiopian coffee can be described as medium-bodied and full of flavor. from good lots, you get a tangy, pungent brew with a lingering floral-almost perfumy-aroma. the floral aromatic characteristics are easily noted in the freshly ground coffee as well. we favor the coffee from yirga chefé in sidamo state, east of lake abaya. peet’s ethiopian fancy is a classically prepared, washed arabica. first, the perfectly ripe cherry is selected and sorted to eliminate any potential defects. it is pulped that same day so the bean emerges from the fruit unharmed: no nicks, cuts, rotting or other damage. after just the right period of fermentation allows the fruit to loosen from the seed, the coffee is thoroughly washed in high mountain waters. squeaky clean, it is transferred to raised drying beds to protect it from any possible ground contamination. there, farmers rotate it methodically and frequently lest it become sun-scorched - a gentle, uniform drying that allows all its inherent specialty to emerge. in short, everything is done to enable this coffee’s unparalleled and unique flavor to shine. the result is crystalline clear in its flavor delivery, pierced through with distinct citric notes (think lemons), and topped with a fancy floral note of jasmine blossoms – all in all, an incredibly distinct and fancy flavor experience.. (per lb) 15.95
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370 Fourth St, San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 230-3091

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