Kyochon Chicken

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3833 W 6th St, Los Angeles, CA 90020

What the experts are saying

"...on our last day in la, i still hadn’t had kyochon chicken and honestly, we were not leaving the country until i did...after some minor confusion (hate you google) regarding the location of kyochon chicken, we managed to find our way to k-town and into the welcoming warmth of korean fast food fried chicken...kyochon chicken 3833 w 6th street los angeles, ca, 90020 (213) 739 9292 ok so my “culled” list actually ended there, but somehow i feel the urge to squeeze in a couple more mentionable eats..."
- thecattylife
"...friday, october 10, 2008 kyochon chicken: no going back after you've tried it chicken bento box...cute, but stick to the sticks (legs) although eatingla loves to eat just about everything, we usually prefer healthyish asian or european food to categories like fried chicken, hotdogs, hamburgers and for day three of the staycation, i tried the much-discussed kyochon chicken, which is korean, so it doesn't count as junk food...kyochon chicken 3833 w...there also is a kyochon chicken place inside the freshia market in torrance..."
- Eating L.A.
" regards to the rest of my dining group, the overall consensus seemed to go by way of kyochon see pics, go to: kyochon chicken 3833 w 6th st los angeles, ca, 90020 (213) 739-9292 bon chon chicken 3407 w 6th st los angeles, ca, 90020 (213) 487-7878 addendum: since having visited the two places above, i also had a chance to visit the rowland heights location of kyochon chicken..."
- Pleasure Palate

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