Kings Wok II

0.90 mi
(732) 286-3886
213 Rt 37 E Ste 11, Toms River, NJ 08753
Sorry, hours will be updated soon.

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I apologize, but as an AI, I do not have access to current information about specific restaurants. Therefore, I am unable to provide specific tips or details about Kings Wok II located in Toms River, New Jersey. However, I can offer some general tips when dining at a Chinese restaurant.

1. Explore the menu: Chinese cuisine is known for its variety, so don't hesitate to try new dishes or ask for recommendations.
2. Pay attention to the spice level: Chinese food can range from mild to very spicy. If you're sensitive to heat, make sure to communicate your preferences to the server.
3. Share dishes: Chinese meals often involve sharing multiple dishes, so consider ordering a variety of dishes and sharing with your dining companions.
4. Try the Dim Sum: If available, don't miss the chance to try dim sum. These bite-sized portions of various dishes are usually served during lunchtime.
5. Taste the authenticity: Look for traditional ingredients and cooking techniques that hint at the restaurant's authenticity.
6. Be mindful of chopstick etiquette: If you're using chopsticks, avoid leaving them sticking straight up in a rice bowl, as this is seen as a symbol of death in Chinese culture.
7. Enjoy the tea: Chinese restaurants usually offer a selection of teas, so take the opportunity to try different varieties and enjoy the tea-drinking experience.

Remember, these tips are general and may not specifically apply to Kings Wok II or any other specific Chinese restaurant.