Dead Lizard Brewing Company

4.25 mi
(407) 777-3060
4507 36th Street building c, Orlando, FL 32811

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1. Immerse yourself in craft beer culture: Dead Lizard Brewing Company is a must-visit destination in Orlando for craft beer enthusiasts. Be prepared to indulge in a variety of beers made with passion and creativity.

2. Explore their diverse beer selection: Dead Lizard Brewing offers a wide range of handcrafted beers that cater to every palate. From hoppy IPAs and refreshing blondes to rich stouts and smooth porters, there's something for everyone here.

3. Take advantage of their tasting room: Sit back and relax in Dead Lizard Brewing's inviting tasting room. Enjoy the cozy ambiance while savoring their freshly brewed beers. It's an excellent opportunity to enhance your beer knowledge and try new flavors.

4. Engage with the knowledgeable staff: The staff at Dead Lizard Brewing are friendly, passionate, and always ready to offer insights into their brews. Don't hesitate to ask questions or seek recommendations – they love sharing their craft beer expertise.

5. Attend events and special releases: Keep an eye on Dead Lizard Brewing's events calendar. They frequently host exciting events, such as tap takeovers, live music performances, and special beer releases. Check their website or social media pages for the latest updates.

6. Support local: As a local brewery, Dead Lizard Brewing Company contributes to the vibrant beer scene in Orlando. By visiting them, you're supporting the growth and success of local businesses.

7. Don't forget about the merchandise: Take a piece of Dead Lizard Brewing home with you by purchasing their merchandise. T-shirts, glassware, and other branded items make for great souvenirs or gifts for beer aficionados.

8. Stay informed through social media: Connect with Dead Lizard Brewing Company on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. This way, you can stay up to date with their latest beer releases, events, and any limited-time offers.

9. Plan your visit wisely: Dead Lizard Brewing can get busy, especially during peak hours. Consider visiting during weekdays or off-peak hours to ensure a more relaxed and enjoyable experience.

10. Embrace the community spirit: Dead Lizard Brewing Company fosters a sense of community among beer lovers. Strike up conversations with fellow patrons and discover new friends who share the same passion for craft beer.