Eagles Auxiliary # 2255

0.07 mi
(541) 928-4185
127 Broadalbin St NW, Albany, OR 97321
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Tips for dining at Eagles Auxiliary #2255, a diner located at 127 Broadalbin St NW, Albany, Oregon, 97321:

1. Plan ahead: Call ahead for reservations or check their website for peak hours and wait times to ensure you have a smooth dining experience.

2. Explore the menu: Eagles Auxiliary #2255 offers a diverse menu that caters to different tastes. Take your time to peruse the options and try something new.

3. Specials and promotions: Keep an eye out for daily specials and promotions that may offer great value or feature unique dishes.

4. Be prepared for a bustling atmosphere: As a popular diner, Eagles Auxiliary #2255 can get busy, especially during peak hours. Arriving early or later in the evening might offer a more relaxed dining experience.

5. Friendly staff: The staff at Eagles Auxiliary #2255 are known to be warm and welcoming. Don't hesitate to ask for recommendations or any special dietary requirements you may have.

6. Support their cause: Remember that by dining at Eagles Auxiliary #2255, you are also supporting their community efforts and charitable causes. It's a great way to enjoy a delicious meal while giving back.

7. Check for updates: Before visiting, check their social media accounts or website for any updates on their operating hours or COVID-19 safety protocols.

8. Save room for dessert: Eagles Auxiliary #2255 is known for its delectable desserts. Make sure to leave some space for a sweet ending to your meal.

Enjoy your dining experience at Eagles Auxiliary #2255 in Albany, Oregon!